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  1. The Rules of Procedure of the Bijūnai Universal Multifunctional Centre (hereinafter - the Centre) (hereinafter - the Rules) are a document regulating the work of the Centre, defining the structure of the institution, organisational issues, the organisation of the educational process, the general principles of labour relations and the norms of conduct of the community.
  2. The Centre is a budgetary institution of Trakai District Municipality. The institution is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, the decisions of the Trakai District Municipal Council, the Mayor's Ordinances, the orders of the Director of the Municipal Administration, and the present Rules of Procedure.
  3. The Rules and any amendments thereto shall be approved by order of the Director.
  4. The address of the Centre is Mokyklos g. 2, Bijūnų k. LT-21280, Trakai district municipality.
  5. The centre was established in 2017 as a result of the reorganisation of the Bijūnai Primary School and will operate as the Bijūnai Multipurpose Multifunctional Centre from 1 September 2022.
  6. The legal form of the Centre is a budgetary institution.
  7. The Centre's activities include social, cultural, sports and non-formal education.
  8. The institution has a coat of arms with the following inscription: Trakų r. Bijūnai Universal Multifunctional Centre, a letterhead with its name and a current account.
  9. The activities of the Centre are coordinated by the Trakai District Municipality Administration, code - 181626536.
  10. The Centre shall be headed by a Director, who shall be recruited and dismissed by the Mayor of the municipality in accordance with the procedure laid down by law.
  11. Staff duties are governed by a contract of employment, a job description and occupational safety instructions.
  12. A person who accepts employment at the Centre shall be made aware of these Regulations, the job description, the occupational safety instructions and, upon acceptance of employment and the signing of the contract of employment between the person and the employer, shall be deemed to have agreed to the minimum and other terms and conditions of the contract of employment to the extent that they are covered by these instruments.
  13. Questions relating to the application of the Rules of Procedure shall be dealt with by the Director of the institution within the limits of his powers.


  1. The Centre is structured as follows:

14.1. administration (Director, Accountant)

14.2 organisers of non-formal education, cultural and sporting activities;

14.3. service staff: housekeeper, cleaner, janitor, caretaker, heating engineer.

  1. The Centre operates on a 5-day week.
  2. The multi-purpose centre opens at 6.30 am.


  1. The premises are unlocked at 6.30 am and locked at 8.00 pm.
  2. Access to the premises outside working hours is subject to the permission of the Director.
  3. The Multipurpose Centre is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and government-approved public and religious holidays.


  1. Employees exercise their right to work by entering into an Employment Contract with the Director, in which they agree on certain duties and job functions. Employees who are materially responsible are also subject to a contract of material responsibility.
  2. To apply for a job, you must submit a written application, a national social security certificate and a passport or identity card.
  3. Anyone who does not have at least one of these documents will not be hired. A person shall be prohibited from holding a staff position at the Centre if he or she is related by close family or sibling ties (parents, adoptive parents, siblings and their children, grandparents, children, stepchildren), or if his or her service together entails the direct subordination of one of them to the other, or the right of one of them to control the other.
  4. The contract specifies the date of recruitment, the job function (job title, profession), the agreed salary and the duration of the contract. If the recruitment is for a probationary period, the duration of the probationary period is stated in the contract. The probationary period must not exceed 3 months (in cases provided for by law, not more than 6 months). A staff member may terminate his contract during the probationary period by giving three days' written notice to the administration. During the probationary period, the employee shall be subject to all labour laws. Probation does not apply to persons under the age of 18 years for posts by competition or election.
  5. At the Centre, employment contracts may be open-ended, fixed-term (the term may be fixed until a certain calendar date or until the occurrence, change or expiry of certain circumstances), temporary. If the employment contract does not specify a term or is not properly defined, it is deemed to be an open-ended employment contract. A fixed-term employment contract shall become open-ended when the circumstances which gave rise to the term of the contract cease to exist during the duration of the employment relationship (the employee does not return to work after a leave of absence, etc.). Upon conclusion of the employment contract, the administration shall inform the employee in writing of the Rules of Procedure, the job description, explain his/her rights and obligations, instruct the employee in safe working practices and fire safety, and issue him/her with a work certificate.
  6. The staff member has the right to terminate the contract by giving two weeks' (14 calendar days') written notice to the management. At the end of the notice period, the employee may not work. The period of notice may be shortened by mutual agreement.
  7. The employee shall have the right to withdraw the statement no later than 3 calendar days from the date of its submission.
  8. When the employer terminates the employment contract on its own initiative, without fault on the part of the employee, it must give the employee one month's written notice, or two weeks' written notice if the employment relationship has lasted for less than one year. These notice periods shall be doubled for workers who are less than five years from the statutory retirement pension age and tripled for workers who are raising a child (adopted child) under the age of fourteen years and workers who are raising a disabled child under the age of eighteen years, as well as for workers with disabilities and for workers who are less than two years from the statutory retirement pension age.
  9. The day of dismissal shall be the last working day. On that day, the administration must settle with the employee and the employee must settle with the institution and return the work certificate.
  10. If the employee disagrees with the dismissal, he or she has one month to appeal against the decision to the courts.


  1. The staff of the Multipurpose Multipurpose Centre are working a 5-day week with two days off. The working hours for the administration and support staff are 8 hours. A lunch break is compulsory.

31.Unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract of Employment, working hours shall not exceed 40 hours per week and the daily working time shall not exceed 8 hours.

32.The duration of the working day (including rest and meal breaks) for staff members working in more than one place of employment, or in one place of employment but under two or more contracts of employment, shall not exceed 12 hours.

33.Part-time work may be arranged at the request of a worker on the grounds of his/her state of health in accordance with the opinion of a medical institution, at the request of a pregnant woman, a woman who has recently given birth, a woman who is breast-feeding, a worker with a child under 3 years of age, and a worker with a single child under 14 years of age or a child with disabilities under 16 years of age or a worker caring for a sick family member in accordance with a medical institution.

  1. Organisers of non-formal education, cultural and sporting events work on a time-rate basis.
  2. Other staff work 40 hours a week.
  3. Staff working hours are set out in the annual work schedules.

37.The duties, rights, functions, responsibilities and qualification requirements of employees are laid down in their job descriptions and occupational safety instructions.

  1. Staff shall be guided in their work by the regulations of the Multipurpose Multipurpose Centre, their job descriptions, the Code of Conduct and these rules.
  2. On the eve of the holiday, the working hours of the administration and service staff are reduced by one hour.
  3. Employees who are late for work or who fall ill must notify the management by calling 8 528 44582 or informing the management.
  4. Every employee of the Centre shall be obliged to perform his/her duties (the work assigned to him/her) in good faith, to observe work discipline, and to carry out in a timely and accurate manner the lawful instructions of the Centre's management and the decisions of the self-governing bodies.
  5. The staff of the Centre shall conduct their relations with each other in private on the basis of mutual understanding, tolerance, goodwill and mutual respect.
  6. Employees of the Centre are prohibited from coming to work drunk, from drinking alcoholic beverages or intoxicating drugs on the premises and grounds of the Centre, from smoking in front of visitors, from using obscene language or any other indecent behaviour, and from allowing visitors to do so. Strictly limit the access of unauthorised persons to the establishment and its territory and ensure effective control during events.
  7. Staff must wear comfortable footwear when working.
  8. Working time and its use:

    45.1. general meetings of the institution shall be held 1-2 times a year, or as required;

    45.2. the duration of annual leave shall be determined in accordance with applicable law. The order in which leave is granted shall be determined by the Management Board before 1 April each year, taking into account the need to avoid disrupting the normal course of the institution's work.

    1. It is forbidden during working hours:

    46.1. change the work schedule at his/her own discretion, without the permission of the management;

    46.2. leave visitors unattended;

    46.3. be present in groups without the permission of the Principal;

    46.4. consume alcoholic beverages and smoke on the premises;

    46.5. behave in a disrespectful manner during meetings, interfere with the speaker, or express his/her opinions in a rude manner.

  1. Staff are rewarded for exemplary performance and quality work:
  • Acknowledgement (verbal, written);
  • bonuses (subject to sufficient savings in the payroll and in accordance with the Staff Bonus Regulations).
  1. Violators of labour and industrial discipline are punished:
  • Note;
  • reprimand;
  • dismissal.
  1. The penalty shall be imposed as soon as the infringement is brought to light, but no later than one month after the infringement is brought to light. When a disciplinary penalty is imposed, the staff member shall be required to give a written explanation, or, if he refuses to give an explanation, the penalty shall be imposed without an explanation and on the basis of a written record. The disciplinary penalty shall be imposed by order. It shall be valid for one year. The offending staff member shall not be dissuaded.
  2. The imposition of a disciplinary measure does not relieve the employee of the obligation to make good the damage caused.
  3. The working and rest time of employees shall be determined in accordance with the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania. Working time shall include: time actually worked, business trips, time required to prepare and arrange the workplace, work tools, safety equipment, time for compulsory medical examinations, internships, in-service training at the workplace or at training centres, downtime, and any other periods prescribed by the regulatory legislation.
  4. The working day (including rest and meal breaks) for workers who work in more than one place of employment or in one place of employment but under two or more contracts may not exceed 12 hours. Under Article 112 of the Labour Code, part-time working hours may be fixed.
  5. The work schedules shall be approved by the Director of the Centre.
  6. The working week is 5 days with 2 days off. Employees must work at the times set out in their work schedules. The working timetables shall be publicly available on the information boards of the establishment.
  7. In accordance with the Labour Code, the Employee shall be granted a day off on the first working day after the event or a day off in addition to annual leave for working on weekends or public holidays.
  8. The concept of rest time, types of rest time, breaks, working on public holidays, annual minimum, annual extended, annual supplementary, and the procedure for granting holidays shall be determined by the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania.
  9. The establishment provides a half-hour break for staff to rest and eat. This break shall normally be granted after half of the working day (shift), but not later than after 4 hours of work. The use of this rest and meal break is at the discretion of the employee. He may leave the workplace during this time. This break shall not be counted as working time.


  1. The administration must:

58.1. to create conditions for the protection of life and health by preventing traumatism and violence, to monitor compliance with sanitation and hygiene standards, occupational safety and fire safety rules, to deal with preventive work on alcohol, tobacco and violence prevention, and to organise assistance for the pupil, the teacher and the parents.

58.2. to strengthen labour and industrial discipline to the fullest extent, to eliminate loss of working time, and to take action against violators of labour discipline;

58.3. to ensure continuity of activities in the event of sick leave;

58.4. pay salaries within the time limits set;

58.5. maintain a good working and creative atmosphere in the institution and encourage staff participation in the management of the institution.

  1. The Director of the Multipurpose Multipurpose Centre shall be responsible for the order and operation of the Centre. His/her lawful instructions shall be binding on all the staff of the Centre. The Director shall work in accordance with the Centre's rules and regulations and shall carry out the functions specified in his/her job description.
  2. The director is responsible for implementing the centre's community policies and timetables.
  3. The Housekeeper shall provide the Centre with material and information resources, shall be responsible for the technical condition of the Centre's buildings, equipment, engineering networks, the protection of inventory and teaching aids, shall organise the work of the support staff, shall take care of the Centre's sanitation and hygiene and the occupational safety of the staff working under him/her, and shall provide them with working tools, work clothes and personal protective equipment. His lawful instructions shall be binding on the staff of the Centre. The Housekeeper shall carry out the functions laid down in the job description and shall work according to the working hours approved by the Centre Director.
  4. The non-formal education organiser shall keep a non-formal education diary and shall conduct the activities in accordance with the non-formal education timetable approved by the Director.
  5. They are responsible for the children's safety, health, cleanliness and equipment.
  6. Staff must:

64.1. to perform their duties honestly and conscientiously, in accordance with the requirements of their job description and work safety;

64.2. observe work discipline and order, and come to work on time. To observe the working hours, to carry out the instructions of the administration in a timely and accurate manner, to be attentive to the children at all times, and to be courteous to the parents of the pupils and to the staff of the institution;

64.3. strictly comply with the instructions for the protection of children's life and health, civil protection, occupational safety, occupational hygiene and fire safety as provided for in the relevant rules and instructions;

64.4. keep the workplace clean and tidy;

64.5. to behave in an exemplary manner at work, in the home and in public places;

64.6. have a worker's card issued at the workplace.


  1. The premises of the multi-purpose multifunctional centre shall be used only for their intended purpose, i.e. for cultural, sporting, non-formal education activities, events and other activities organised by the centre.
  2. Inventory and equipment must be in good order, not broken, in working order, securely fastened, and not endangering the health of visitors and workers.
  3. The maintenance of the Centre's premises and equipment is carried out in accordance with the Hygienic Standard HN 21:2011 (Hygienic Norms and Rules for General Education).
  4. The community of the Multipurpose Centre shall be obliged to protect and preserve the inventory, equipment, visual and technical aids, and all property of the institution, and to feel responsible for the inventory, cleanliness and order of the premises.
  5. To compensate the institution for the material damage caused.


  1. The Rules of Procedure shall enter into force on the date of their adoption.
  2. They are made publicly available online at
  3. Staff members shall have the right to propose in writing to the Administration amendments to these rules.

Bijūnai multi-purpose centre in Trakai district Document on the Rules of Procedure and Internal Rules of Procedure