Mother's Day celebrations. Songs for mothers were sung by the vocal music ensemble "Pinavija" from Bijūnai and the vocal ensemble "Varnalėša" from Pastrėvis. The fun music and socialising over a cup of tea attracted a large number of listeners.
In May, Aukštadvaris Library visitors will be delighted by the exhibition "Traditional and non-traditional carvings" of the carvings created by the visitors of the workshop of the Bijūnai Universal Multifunctional Centre. The workshop is led by Aušra Venskutonienė and the exhibition was prepared by her. We thank the talented artists of the friendly and creative village of Bijūnai for their work. We invite you to see and admire them, and maybe get some ideas or inspiration
Bijūnų kaime žydi ne tik bijūnai, bet ir kaimo bendruomenė. Kūrybiški vietiniai žmonės dainuoja, rengia spektaklius, išskirtines gatvių šventes. Be to, jie labai skaniai gamina. Turi net savo receptų knygas išleidę. Apie tai, kuo šiandien vaišins ir apie ką papasakos bijūniškiai – laidoje. Visas straipsnis: